The Information age has made it possible for a 5th column working inside the Watchtower Corporation to leak very sensitive information over the internet. Kangaroo Court Judicial Meeting are now secretly taped and broadcast on social media exposing the WT as a evil high control cult meeting out sever punishment for member speaking against them in any way. With all this information about the evil nature of the WT spread all over the world wide web surely will hurt/severely cripple efforts for new converts from the general public, and cause Judges to hand out bigger lawsuit awards, and more records being subpoena.
The Information age like a giant tsunami wave is just coming out of deep water and gaining height is about to seriously smack the shit out of these old delusional fuddy duddies called the Governing Body who are unbelievably hanging themselves with their delusional public broadcast for the world and courts to see their insanity and evil delusions of greatness. They ain't gonna just loose their charity status over these insane broadcast they are putting themselves in serious legal jeopardy exposing themselves as hypocrites of the worst kind who will send child molesters to the doors of the unsuspecting public to get more members for their evil cult that treats its members like shit if they have a disagreement with them subjecting them disfellowshipping which can include close family members being estranged.
I seriously think the WT is in deep doo doo and the Information age has only just begun and like a tsunami will grow not linearly but exponentially and inundate the WT legal team to such an extent that they hoist a we surrender flag because of the shear volume a cases and the need to liquidate asset has out paced them. What do you think would be the Governing Body's tune when that day arrives? Would they admit publicly that they were wrong or would denial persist till they crash and burn?